Ruth 66
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Ghana kurvstol brun, rød og orange


En herlig stol og nyte solen i.

Ghana stolene er håndlagde i Afrika av Ouwsu Johnson. Dette er stoler laget med fokus på rettferdig lønning og arbeidsforhold.

Rammene til disse stolene er laget av jern og resten av vevd, robust nylontråd. Stolene er behaglige og er lette stable.

Veldig god å sitte i. Kan stå ute hele året.

Høyde rygg bak: 66 cm

Høyde foran sete: 35 cm

Bredde: 73 cm

Dybde: 42 cm

Owusu Chairs

The Owusu Chairs have been named after Johnson Owusu, a chair-weaver and craftsman from Kumasi, Ghana. Under his control two families have been producing these chairs for ussince 1999 providing a sustainable livelihood for them. Until recently these chairs were used a lotat funerals, weddings andin bars and little restaurants commonly known as bar-chair, chop-bar-chair or terrace chair. The very simple form of the chair has been mainly stipulated by the restrictions of the production resources together with the aim of itsfunction or use: being comfortable and easy to pile. The frame is made of concrete iron (with coating) in which with nylon the seat is woven. The round form is exactly the dia-meter of an oil drum that is used to bend the iron in its shape. The angles of the legs are also easily bent by hand with two simple iron pipes. Afterwards the nylon seat is woven into the chair using a razorblade and a wooden stick. The result is a very high quality, durable and honest out-and indoor chair that easily will last for more then10 years!

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